efa policy qos profile delete


efa policy qos profile delete [ --name string | --trust string | --pcp-tc string | --dscp-tc string | --tc-pcp string | --tc-dscp string | --service-policy string ]


--name string
Specifies the name of the QoS profile.
--trust string
{ auto | dscp }. Selecting auto trusts PCP for switched traffic and DSCP for routed traffic. Default is auto.
--pcp-tc string
Specifies the PCP to TC QoS map name.
--dscp-tc string
Specifies the DSCP to TC QoS map name.
--tc-pcp string
Specifies the TC to PCP QoS map name.
--tc-dscp string
Specifies the TC to DSCP QoS map name.
--service-policy string>
Specifies the Service Policy Map Name along with direction in format "name[servicePolicy1],dir[in|out]"


This example removes the PCP to TC map and service policy map associated with QoS profile.
eefa policy qos profile delete –-name qosProfile1 –-pcp-tc pcp2tcMap 
–-service-policy servicePolicyMap
This example deletes the entire specified profile.
efa policy qos profile delete –-name qosProfile1